February 19 from 1-3 pm
(Snow date: February 26)
Art for the Soul Gallery
1500 Main Street, Springfield MA
Free & open to the public
Quilting from its beginnings was a social art that brought women together to share one another’s company while combining their creative energies. In that spirit, join us for a quilt sharing day! Bring family quilts, or quilts you have made to share your stories. Ed Johnetta Miller will be showing quilts from her private collection.
All Guests Must Wear Masks. RSVP on facebook.
Private Collection Quilts

Antique Quilt, 1890
The Golden yellow color use to be turkey red, faded over the years from washing with Lye soap.

Polly Raymond, GeesBend Quilt, 1985
Gees Bend Alabama, one of the original members of the Alabama Freedom Quilters.

Tobacco Pouch Quilt
Made out of smoking tobacco pouches. Year estimated at 1870-1899, Durham, N.C. "Genuine Durham Smoking Co".